Okay i'm going to tell this from my perspective about a 'friend' haha whether it is relevant to the context...its best if we just don't know.
So this is the scenario, lets just say i have a friend whom...makes friends with the opposite sex and just tends to...fall for them. Now is this a mistake? or is this the way to go? and does it necessarily mean that the opposing party will really agree to this? Well this friend of mine has had problems concerning this before and it cost him his 2 best friends. This happened almost 4 years ago, but sometimes you just can't help but wonder how things would have been had he dated his good friend would he have been happy?
Again my friend seems to have this re-occurring problem even though it cost him his best friend 4 years ago and almost nearly cost him his best friend again at the start of last year...so why? why does he keep doing this to himself...its a wonder really...how can someone be so thick skulled to not realise that his mistakes are causing him his misery. And again the problem has come back...i guess he gets easily influenced by his friends, always pointing out hey you should go out with her. Kind of gets repetitive. And eventually he breaks and decides hey maybe its not going to be so bad dating a good friend; but is it really not going to be so bad?
Questions that need answering...problems that need solving...and to think, so many people feel the world revolves around them but its unfortunate that they dont...