Sunday, 10 June 2007

Exam Time

Its been a while since i actually sat down to write a post...

It is that time of the year again everyone is having exams! interesting life is with exams...Well for some it is nearing the end of their exams but mine are, however, just beginning...after tackling one exam i am down 1 and up 3...exams that is...which isn't very up if you think about it. Anyway instead of studying late into the night, since my exam is 5 days away, i have decided instead TO blog! haha...if my parents read this im so dead lol but not many people are going to read this apart from Noelle and Jet and the occasional bored person whom is so bored they are actually WONDERING whats going on in my life. I thank thee kind sir/ma'am to take time out of your life to have interest in knowing whats happening in mine! i also thank noelle and jet for reading my blog although they obviously have better things to do...such as dotaing! haha moving on then, its been a real wonder to me lately what it would be like to enter the exam period having done so little work in the semester in comparison to last year where i had to work my ass off every other night to keep up. Now i just practice 3 weeks pre-exam period and i dont seem to even be that scared! I wonder if thats a good...or a bad thing...well i guess i wont know until AFTER my exams then aye! comforting for me lol

It also occured to me today, while walking to the library, that the British never complete their words, such as fink -> think, free -> three, aye -> hey and sometimes they just combine words conveniently such as innit...haha strange how they can call English...well English! haha okie i think im talking bout too much

So how does one prepare for the upcoming exams? although i have already completed one exam and most of you have practically finished i thought it would be interesting to see the itinerary before an exam

24 hours before the exam: Cram like there is no tomorrow

15 hours before the exam: Eat so much nandos you will sleep straight away

4 hours before the exam: Cram some more

1 hour before the exam: Panic and pray you wont fail

Yea...if you were looking for tips here...not going to get any haha

Anyway exams finish late for damn depressing everyone finishes by like the 23rd latest...and i finish on the 27th!!! W T F...seriously...sigh anyways its cool i get to hang around for a bit more and when i go back which is 3 days later i will be ready to just rest and bloody relax! its what i am truly looking forward to...which 10 days later i will recieve a visit from a certain lady friend that im ALSO looking forward to! excellent

Remember remember, the 5th of June...

Tis time to be off to bed, sand man is throwing sand in mine eyes~!

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