This was the most awesomest time i've had in a LONGGGGGGG time! it was MAD fun soooo much went down it was hilarious, after not seeing snow for nearly 6 years it was such a refreshing getaway from uni! although i have settled back in nicely it was awrsome! Some lovely photoz to commemorate this occasion! Courtesy of Jun Takahashi and Kei Nishida(i think thats how you spell his surname...)! since i dont have a camera of my

Me n Claire at the snow! checkit the bling is rather blinding heehee

Operation Snowman commences...this is what happens when ur bored and high on fruit salad with teaspoon ice cream and cheesecake...inside joke heehee

the snow man takes shape! this bastard actually took us quite a while to complete the beer can courtesy of joseph u and thanh for making the hand he was so very proud of...that sexy nose and lovely joint in its mouth is there to be enjoyed by all courtesy of moi lol

Finally the complete project! i shall name him...evil kanevill

we all fell in love with evil...or did we get possessed...evil thing it was...

This is team snow man! we all worked very hard to attain that beautiful masterpiece!we are missing one team member because he is taking the foto but its all good!

Just before we left we decided to be our mission to remove all snowmen except our after our long tiring battle( and thanh severly injured...) we were satisfied with our days work!

Our normal pose

Our wink murder pose

And as us being asians we decided to have a Fobulous pose 1!

And...a Fobtacular pose 2!...gawd almightly...
This trip will have it happy memories! and painful...snowboarding killed my ahole but it was soooooooo worth it! hahah anywayz gotta start studying again its time to nerd it up boys n girls!
Bye Bye
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