Sunday, 6 September 2009


I can not believe it has been more than one and a half years since i've written on this thing. I had chosen not to do so because i realise that bloggers write here because they:

a) have too much free time

b) are an emotional wreck

c) do it because it is a source of income (completely understandable)


d) because it is 'therapeutic'

oh and also because they get gfs so they devote the time NORMALLY spent on blogging to gf time HEE HEE

hmm...can't say which category i fall under, although i choose to believe that im not involved in the first three!

anyways i just felt like writing something, and since i have this thing set up WHY NOT HUH! its been so long since i've done so and maybe i will actually blog properly once again...although i should really be devoting this time to studying haha

signing out...for now

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