Thursday, 7 October 2010

Good times and thank you!


What a ride...

Its been so interesting, like a flash back to highschool! I can't quite explain how and or why but...its been quite fun! It makes you wonder if time could be turned back, would it have been any different? I've been doing things that have been unusually out of my character and had conversations with people that I don't normally talk too, and have made plenty of new ones too! its been so much fun, picked up a new job, may begin contract work with TT which will be awesome if i can help him out!

Its been so long since I've felt so alive!!!

I hope this is going to be the beginning of a very long and successful career path

I have someone in particular I would like to thank for this...well two people really, but of course all my friends that have supported me right up until guys are so freakin awesome! And I would have to say I've been the luckiest person to be so well supported by so many people. But yes two people...its so weird how one of them is completely unexpected...came out of no where! But doesn't realise how much they have helped me :)

So thanks to all, in particular those people, but thanks :)

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