Monday, 29 January 2007
Friday, 26 January 2007
Clear air and shortcuts
Its good to know that when there is something wrong between you and your friends the air can be easily cleared because of that bond we share...after a saga of confusion and misunderstandings its finally cleared and it feels good! really it does, this year is looking promising with my offer finally being told it will be in by next Friday and leaving back to Melbourne alot sooner than expected but hey thats life i guess.
That was on a small note, now to point out another observation that Malaysians are quite notoriously famous or infamous for. The shortcut. After kind of getting lost on the way to dropping a friend home yesterday, we encountered a problem missing a few turns here are there and i realised at that point that malaysians LOVE shortcuts! Malaysians just seem to have shortcuts for EVERYTHING be it in our traveling or our speech. We always find a way to shorten things. For example when going to a particular destination, we seem to be aware or more than one way to reach that destination!
This is a typical conversation between passenger and driver:
Driver: "ayah sucks wei got traffic jam..."
Passenger: "ya loh...nevermind don't worry surely got another way to get there"
Driver: "yah i think we can take the LDP instead of Federal highway huh...if not
nevermind we can also use the back way around PJ that side"
Passenger: "ya ya good point"
And that also displays how malaysians can be SO lazy to even COMPLETE their sentences that they don't even talk properly. Instead of saying "Are you sure that is the case?" a malaysian will say "WHERE GOT!" haha and we pride ourselves as an english speaking nation. Great. Although i myself succumb to such colloquialism its amazing how lazy malaysians can be.
well that was my little observation for the day!
That was on a small note, now to point out another observation that Malaysians are quite notoriously famous or infamous for. The shortcut. After kind of getting lost on the way to dropping a friend home yesterday, we encountered a problem missing a few turns here are there and i realised at that point that malaysians LOVE shortcuts! Malaysians just seem to have shortcuts for EVERYTHING be it in our traveling or our speech. We always find a way to shorten things. For example when going to a particular destination, we seem to be aware or more than one way to reach that destination!
This is a typical conversation between passenger and driver:
Driver: "ayah sucks wei got traffic jam..."
Passenger: "ya loh...nevermind don't worry surely got another way to get there"
Driver: "yah i think we can take the LDP instead of Federal highway huh...if not
nevermind we can also use the back way around PJ that side"
Passenger: "ya ya good point"
And that also displays how malaysians can be SO lazy to even COMPLETE their sentences that they don't even talk properly. Instead of saying "Are you sure that is the case?" a malaysian will say "WHERE GOT!" haha and we pride ourselves as an english speaking nation. Great. Although i myself succumb to such colloquialism its amazing how lazy malaysians can be.
well that was my little observation for the day!
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
Jacky Cheung - Goodbye Kiss
OMG doesn't this song bring back nostalgic after listening to this hahaha brotherend do you remember this song!
Monday, 22 January 2007
What will happen now?
As i approach the age of 19, my brother the age of 25 and my sister has always been a question that has sat in my mind and will continue to do so until i have seen it...but it really is a wonder what will happen to us in the future. Its inevitable that up until a certain age you realise that your dreams are no longer something you can just hope for, but instead it becomes apparent that it needs to become apart of your reality. In some instances you won't get very far...So how far can you actually get? What I'm getting at i guess is where will each and everyone of us be in the years to come? where will I be working? that being said where will all my friends be working! haha that is a rather interesting question...but after watching my brother it has always been a curiosity of mine as to how successful my friends will be. To be honest alot of my friends don't really know what they want to do, and probably go as far as saying "I want to be successful at whatever i do" but still the questions beckons what on earth is it that you WANT to do.
So this is how i figure its going to be:
Jin Min Song(brother) - Successful CA+CEO of one of the big 4 and counting notes until the day he dies.
Noelle Teh(brothers gf/wife/life partner/owner) - Successful Architect, probably will gain recognition status throughout Europe...which pretty much means world wide and designed the building that will make all other architects think there is such thing as god
Wei Lyn Song(sister) - Successful interior designer, living in a nice as house and blowing tons of cash on 'stuff' and her husband will be the house husband as shes the man of the house...
Jin Eu Song(yours truly) - Successful CEO of an advertising agency recognised throughout the advertising world, married to Tiffany Lee and the next Malaysian prime minister( I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY JUST WATCH AND SEE!)
Marcus Teo - CEO of the Internationally renown company Acut Above, owning the hugh hephner version of a mansion in Malaysia
Wy Keith Neo - CEO of Krispy Kreme and proud sponsor to the diabetes foundation
Bryan Ong - CEO of Blizzard gaming industry and permanently blind for the amount of DotA he played at such a young age...
Kur Win Lau - Professionally playing football for Malaysia and being the self-proclaimed 'best player in the world'
Mrina (I won't even try to spell her surname) - World renown Food scientist for discovering the 'M' diet which was also the cause for the increase in cancer in people around the world
May Yeng Goh - The woman who developed what we will come to know as 'Multi purpose Gel' which turns out to be the cure for cancer...Mrina is saved...
Ben Sum - Malaysia's smartest representative in the Heavyweight lifting division and pro wrestler and pro rugby player
Jon Yong - Arrested for stalking a girl and possessing a 'cult like' shrine in his home of the poor victim...
Aaron Dhillon - The man who turned from med to law, and made the use of cannabis/marijuana/weed/dope legal again.
K-man Chang - The man who will make drain all of Brunei's money and form his own nation and start his own race
Geoffrey Lee - Will lead a normal life and be very boring but unfortunately very successful....
Jenifer Jiang - Same fate as Geoff, Which is why they are getting married...
Haha maybe a wee bit far-fetched, but hey aren't we all dreamers? haha but alas! it really will be interesting to see where everyone ends up. This year has already dived into the 1/4 way for most of us as we approach the age of 19 and already begin to stabilise our foundations for the years to come. Most of us have our goals already set infront of us...Its another question whether we have the ability to achieve it. Ah well only time can tell!
Peace out Mon Amiessss
So this is how i figure its going to be:
Jin Min Song(brother) - Successful CA+CEO of one of the big 4 and counting notes until the day he dies.
Noelle Teh(brothers gf/wife/life partner/owner) - Successful Architect, probably will gain recognition status throughout Europe...which pretty much means world wide and designed the building that will make all other architects think there is such thing as god
Wei Lyn Song(sister) - Successful interior designer, living in a nice as house and blowing tons of cash on 'stuff' and her husband will be the house husband as shes the man of the house...
Jin Eu Song(yours truly) - Successful CEO of an advertising agency recognised throughout the advertising world, married to Tiffany Lee and the next Malaysian prime minister( I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY JUST WATCH AND SEE!)
Marcus Teo - CEO of the Internationally renown company Acut Above, owning the hugh hephner version of a mansion in Malaysia
Wy Keith Neo - CEO of Krispy Kreme and proud sponsor to the diabetes foundation
Bryan Ong - CEO of Blizzard gaming industry and permanently blind for the amount of DotA he played at such a young age...
Kur Win Lau - Professionally playing football for Malaysia and being the self-proclaimed 'best player in the world'
Mrina (I won't even try to spell her surname) - World renown Food scientist for discovering the 'M' diet which was also the cause for the increase in cancer in people around the world
May Yeng Goh - The woman who developed what we will come to know as 'Multi purpose Gel' which turns out to be the cure for cancer...Mrina is saved...
Ben Sum - Malaysia's smartest representative in the Heavyweight lifting division and pro wrestler and pro rugby player
Jon Yong - Arrested for stalking a girl and possessing a 'cult like' shrine in his home of the poor victim...
Aaron Dhillon - The man who turned from med to law, and made the use of cannabis/marijuana/weed/dope legal again.
K-man Chang - The man who will make drain all of Brunei's money and form his own nation and start his own race
Geoffrey Lee - Will lead a normal life and be very boring but unfortunately very successful....
Jenifer Jiang - Same fate as Geoff, Which is why they are getting married...
Haha maybe a wee bit far-fetched, but hey aren't we all dreamers? haha but alas! it really will be interesting to see where everyone ends up. This year has already dived into the 1/4 way for most of us as we approach the age of 19 and already begin to stabilise our foundations for the years to come. Most of us have our goals already set infront of us...Its another question whether we have the ability to achieve it. Ah well only time can tell!
Peace out Mon Amiessss
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
-Studio C- EvenT
This art exhibition was exclusive and so i had the privilege of working with 12 lovely looking ladies unfortunately i dont have a close up of them but! there were lots of splendid art works set up all around and here are some examples of their splendid work. This was at entry, it wasn't just an exhibition it was sorta event with art galleries as the main attraction? it was great!
This was upon was many ppl so hard to control
Girls working hard!
Can u spot the bouncer? i.e. me hehe
How cool is the entrance!
Me hiding in the shadows during a brief hehe
My colleague's art work
One of the other artists work which looked fantastic
Monday, 15 January 2007
3 in 1! Pics, story and Advertisement!
An eventful weekend which involved work+girls+early starts. Firstly i would just like to show you how entertaining my office people are, although this is late, this was at the christmas party last year and it was full of the funniest things i have ever witnessed at any party!
Santa...oh piece of advice...never EVER carry santa...he weighs a fkin ton...not cool man...not cool
Santa's little...little...little helper...this guy is indeed as short as he looks no camera tricks folks he is actually shorter than she is AND shes not that tall either hahaha
Santa is a hungry man! that was by the way a turkey drumstick and it was WHOLE before the photo was taken...and the vase is full of whisky and green tea...don't ask me whether he survived haha
Santa and an Indian meet! this is the result! haahhaha Dancing around trees...bollywood style! haha
So anyways leading onto the story which is also work related, where i had the pleasure of working with door girls who were i can safely say relatively hot but again i think i stress it when i say i have a new resolve and its to date girls AT LEAST my shoulder height if not taller than that and also have to have a REASONABLE command of this is where the story comes in, I was in charge of registration which is what gave me the pleasure of working with 12 of these beautiful specimens , and it involved me getting media and exhibitors of the artsy fartsy event in ASAP. So i proceeded to asking the girls to sign in one of the members of the media which was F H M...and so i tell her put in brackets F H M...she failed to understand me and then i go here let me write it and when she realises what I'm talking about she responds to me and i quote "OHHHH F, ASHHH, M arhh"...dear god...please help the poor innocent beauty...haha i mean im not exactly the greatest of examples for perfect pronunciation but WHAT on earth was that about...seriously...if i can get photos of the event i will post them duly!
And finally no.3
So anyways leading onto the story which is also work related, where i had the pleasure of working with door girls who were i can safely say relatively hot but again i think i stress it when i say i have a new resolve and its to date girls AT LEAST my shoulder height if not taller than that and also have to have a REASONABLE command of this is where the story comes in, I was in charge of registration which is what gave me the pleasure of working with 12 of these beautiful specimens , and it involved me getting media and exhibitors of the artsy fartsy event in ASAP. So i proceeded to asking the girls to sign in one of the members of the media which was F H M...and so i tell her put in brackets F H M...she failed to understand me and then i go here let me write it and when she realises what I'm talking about she responds to me and i quote "OHHHH F, ASHHH, M arhh"...dear god...please help the poor innocent beauty...haha i mean im not exactly the greatest of examples for perfect pronunciation but WHAT on earth was that about...seriously...if i can get photos of the event i will post them duly!
And finally no.3

Friday, 12 January 2007
News + Dream?
Not much to write about...last few days have been pretty average..played futsal on tues with the boys for the first time in who knows how long...which was pretty exciting seeing as i have NEVER seen fei keith playing futsal before so that was a first, PQ and his 10 extra nipples on his body after a gruesome paintballing 'accident' which is why you never surrender in the middle of a war or be a moving target. 3 hours of futsal on my first time playing in 2-3 weeks haha not bad considering i came out all sore and every1 else cramping up, and also got to try the Ribena Special that Ben Sum and Marcus were always talking about which was a giant jar of ice with Ribena in it...dangerously high sugar content. Ended up with a fat blister under my foot which was no fun...
Anyways I had the weirdest dream 2 nights was almost Lord of the Rings style except there was no ring, no golem and no hobbits sadly...which really are the key components of L.O.T.R... but of course there was middle earth and there was a was strange because i couldn't see myself...almost like first person gaming experience! anyways i knew the Captain of the Army of Elves was Marcus in his white robes and bow and arrow looking all Legolas like he was accompanied by the beautiful(very so...) May the Queen of the elves i suppose who was protected by the captain of course. And then there was me who were in alliance with the Elves, I think we were the Humans because my brother and Noelle were there, strangely they were king and queen of the kingdom and I was in charge of the human army(the Aragon is you must) but I remember not having arms...but in place of those arms i had on one side a metallic arm and on one side and on the other an arm made completely out of marble, or so it seemed.
On the otherside there was a build up of Orcs and Ogres, leading the charge as Orc/Ogre heroes were Ben Sum and Wy kieth...with their sheer size and swinging of weapons it was the roles they were meant to play and it almost seemed as if there were millions of them! they had armies that seemed far larger than the humans as if they were being produced through a factory(surprise surprise just like L.O.T.R!) and they wanted to claim the land, which the humans had, as their own. I don't actually remember how the battle started but the next thing i knew it was the clash of swords and the front line consisting of me and my soldiers while Marcus(being the pussy that he is although smart!) was the support from behind with his archers wiping out the front line that the Orcs held.
It felt like the battle was never ending and it sometime during the battle all the Leaders of each army met face to face. Marcus vs Wy Kieth and Me vs Ben Sum. You would think that my dream would end with Marcus and I winning our battles but it wasn't to be...Although Marcus slayed Wy kieth, i almost lost to Ben Sum as he dirtily threw dirt in my eyes and I was down on the ground helpless. Just as he was about to strike me some how there was a white light(how cliche) and struck right through saviour was to be a girl! sadly i never saw her face because i got woken up...haha
I cant exactly explain the significance of my dream but I thought it was way cool and that I could remember it! but the next time i remember a dream i might post it again...if it proves interesting!
Sorry if i excluded anyone from the dream unfortunately, in a way, it was out of my control so...yea haha
peace out
Anyways I had the weirdest dream 2 nights was almost Lord of the Rings style except there was no ring, no golem and no hobbits sadly...which really are the key components of L.O.T.R... but of course there was middle earth and there was a was strange because i couldn't see myself...almost like first person gaming experience! anyways i knew the Captain of the Army of Elves was Marcus in his white robes and bow and arrow looking all Legolas like he was accompanied by the beautiful(very so...) May the Queen of the elves i suppose who was protected by the captain of course. And then there was me who were in alliance with the Elves, I think we were the Humans because my brother and Noelle were there, strangely they were king and queen of the kingdom and I was in charge of the human army(the Aragon is you must) but I remember not having arms...but in place of those arms i had on one side a metallic arm and on one side and on the other an arm made completely out of marble, or so it seemed.
On the otherside there was a build up of Orcs and Ogres, leading the charge as Orc/Ogre heroes were Ben Sum and Wy kieth...with their sheer size and swinging of weapons it was the roles they were meant to play and it almost seemed as if there were millions of them! they had armies that seemed far larger than the humans as if they were being produced through a factory(surprise surprise just like L.O.T.R!) and they wanted to claim the land, which the humans had, as their own. I don't actually remember how the battle started but the next thing i knew it was the clash of swords and the front line consisting of me and my soldiers while Marcus(being the pussy that he is although smart!) was the support from behind with his archers wiping out the front line that the Orcs held.
It felt like the battle was never ending and it sometime during the battle all the Leaders of each army met face to face. Marcus vs Wy Kieth and Me vs Ben Sum. You would think that my dream would end with Marcus and I winning our battles but it wasn't to be...Although Marcus slayed Wy kieth, i almost lost to Ben Sum as he dirtily threw dirt in my eyes and I was down on the ground helpless. Just as he was about to strike me some how there was a white light(how cliche) and struck right through saviour was to be a girl! sadly i never saw her face because i got woken up...haha
I cant exactly explain the significance of my dream but I thought it was way cool and that I could remember it! but the next time i remember a dream i might post it again...if it proves interesting!
Sorry if i excluded anyone from the dream unfortunately, in a way, it was out of my control so...yea haha
peace out
Monday, 8 January 2007
Start of a new year!
That's all i can say for HK haha, at the age of 18 you wake up a little bit more to the surrounding as you travel and are far more appreciative than when you were a little tyke running around thinking everything is a game. Hong Kong was a blast! Macau not so much...but it was still interesting, however Hong Kong was fantastic! Shopping, eating, dem ladies and of course HK stars!
Quite an interesting trip it proved to be! On the first day at Macau we saw Eric Tsang checking into our hotel, the Wynn's. For those who don't know who Eric Tsang is, he is the little annoying guy who has a really course gay voice in gangster movies and is the tv game show host. Macau was a bit boring because i didn't really do much there gambling really wasn't an option haha because i didn't want to start the new year on a negative note! so i avoided it and just took to the exploration of Macau. On the way back the seas were a bit rougher than on the way to Macau (yes we travelled by ferry) and thank goodness i have an immunity to sea sickness but unfortunately some people don't. That proved to be a bit sick with these mainland chinese people just spewing into the barf bags and may i add she used 3 of them BY HERSELF...Anyways shortly after arriving in HK we made our way to our hotel which was only a short ride away from the terminal and already noticed the big SALE sign next to our hotel. Staying at the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel we were RIGHT next to the shopping centre which was formally known as Ocean Terminal. That was mad, although i didn't really get a chance to go shopping there. On the first day we went to Mong Kok! a famous shopping street where they have the ladies market or otherwise known as the lui yan kai(not sure if i spelt it right) but next to that was my haven, the shoes...but i already had in mind what i wanted so it didn't take long to make my first purchase, although it kinda strayed a bit from what i wanted i ended up buying a green pair of lacostes! unfortunately the internet sucks so i cant post what it looks like but im sure all of you will see it soon heehee. Anyways shortly thereafter we went for dinner at this Shanghainese place which my family has been going to for years and i mean YEARS infact i still remember going there many years ago!
However the following night would prove exciting! After having lunch at the place where we eat century egg(pei tan) on Hong Kong side called Yung Kee where i met one of my brothers footballing kaki and my team mate in my division 4 victory last year, we had a disappointing round of shopping with nothing or real interest to me or my sister. Little did we know who we would see during dinner! Although im not a big fan of the other wanker we saw stephen chow and edison chen and some actress whose name im not familiar with... haha it was great! although we were a bit shy to ask photoz looking at edison chen's face i dun think they would have obliged anyway...but it was way cool an internationally renown star(at least amongst the chinese) was having dinner one table away from us! i actually didn't know wat edison chen looked like until then haha so that was my first time seeing him and wat a bastard he looks like! dunno why gurls are so interested...
So i am back! and it is the start of a new year! hopefully all goes well
Happy New Year to all
That's all i can say for HK haha, at the age of 18 you wake up a little bit more to the surrounding as you travel and are far more appreciative than when you were a little tyke running around thinking everything is a game. Hong Kong was a blast! Macau not so much...but it was still interesting, however Hong Kong was fantastic! Shopping, eating, dem ladies and of course HK stars!
Quite an interesting trip it proved to be! On the first day at Macau we saw Eric Tsang checking into our hotel, the Wynn's. For those who don't know who Eric Tsang is, he is the little annoying guy who has a really course gay voice in gangster movies and is the tv game show host. Macau was a bit boring because i didn't really do much there gambling really wasn't an option haha because i didn't want to start the new year on a negative note! so i avoided it and just took to the exploration of Macau. On the way back the seas were a bit rougher than on the way to Macau (yes we travelled by ferry) and thank goodness i have an immunity to sea sickness but unfortunately some people don't. That proved to be a bit sick with these mainland chinese people just spewing into the barf bags and may i add she used 3 of them BY HERSELF...Anyways shortly after arriving in HK we made our way to our hotel which was only a short ride away from the terminal and already noticed the big SALE sign next to our hotel. Staying at the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel we were RIGHT next to the shopping centre which was formally known as Ocean Terminal. That was mad, although i didn't really get a chance to go shopping there. On the first day we went to Mong Kok! a famous shopping street where they have the ladies market or otherwise known as the lui yan kai(not sure if i spelt it right) but next to that was my haven, the shoes...but i already had in mind what i wanted so it didn't take long to make my first purchase, although it kinda strayed a bit from what i wanted i ended up buying a green pair of lacostes! unfortunately the internet sucks so i cant post what it looks like but im sure all of you will see it soon heehee. Anyways shortly thereafter we went for dinner at this Shanghainese place which my family has been going to for years and i mean YEARS infact i still remember going there many years ago!
However the following night would prove exciting! After having lunch at the place where we eat century egg(pei tan) on Hong Kong side called Yung Kee where i met one of my brothers footballing kaki and my team mate in my division 4 victory last year, we had a disappointing round of shopping with nothing or real interest to me or my sister. Little did we know who we would see during dinner! Although im not a big fan of the other wanker we saw stephen chow and edison chen and some actress whose name im not familiar with... haha it was great! although we were a bit shy to ask photoz looking at edison chen's face i dun think they would have obliged anyway...but it was way cool an internationally renown star(at least amongst the chinese) was having dinner one table away from us! i actually didn't know wat edison chen looked like until then haha so that was my first time seeing him and wat a bastard he looks like! dunno why gurls are so interested...
So i am back! and it is the start of a new year! hopefully all goes well
Happy New Year to all
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