The driving and traffic truly scary and apparently not so long ago malaysia was like that! so not cool man haha but quite obviously malaysia still shows signs of this and i kid you not when i say this photo was taken on an almost normal night! It really is a fast paced moving city, even the little old ladies just shoved me out of the way as if i was just another obstruction!wellll if you think bout it i kinda am...haha anyways the traffic was really scary and crossing the road EVEN scarier although people there swerve around you unlike in malaysia where they try to hit you over.
The highlight of my trip however was achieving something that i told myself i had to do before i die...a list i shall not name because it is something i just want to keep to myself...but this is one thing im pretty comfortable sharing! we went to the Cu Chi (Kuchee) tunnels where the vietkongs lived underground for a considerable amount of time and man...i could barely even fit in the damn tunnel, i am the size of an american and i can quite honestly say that it really is a bitch to be climbing through those tunnels. The chances of people being killed in those tunnels are so high and it really is engenuis...but the real high light came when we got to the range! No not a driving range but a shooting range, and i had the opportunity to experience one in a life time...shooting a gun...and not just any gun! i finally realised how damn hard it was to aim and actually hit something! the target was 200 meters away but it really takes one hell of a shot to be able to hit something acurately , i cant imagine running and shooting someone...that almost seems impossible but it really was a fantastic feeling. The two guns i shot were an AK-47 which im sure most of you know what it is and the other was a machine gun no idea what the name is but damn one you hit the trigger you never let go!
Live Ammo
Anyways realli tired...need the rest!
Peace out
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