Monday, 1 October 2007
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Randomly posting
As a random post just to update it for the SAKE of updating it, i decided i would put some photoz up of my recent visit to the melb aquarium ( which i thought was utterly crap) but as a novelty trip , and craire wanted a romantic afternoon, i decided hey sounds like fun! and i also randomly added other fotoz as well haha
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
The Snow Baby! yeaaaa
This was the most awesomest time i've had in a LONGGGGGGG time! it was MAD fun soooo much went down it was hilarious, after not seeing snow for nearly 6 years it was such a refreshing getaway from uni! although i have settled back in nicely it was awrsome! Some lovely photoz to commemorate this occasion! Courtesy of Jun Takahashi and Kei Nishida(i think thats how you spell his surname...)! since i dont have a camera of my
Me n Claire at the snow! checkit the bling is rather blinding heehee
Operation Snowman commences...this is what happens when ur bored and high on fruit salad with teaspoon ice cream and cheesecake...inside joke heehee
the snow man takes shape! this bastard actually took us quite a while to complete the beer can courtesy of joseph u and thanh for making the hand he was so very proud of...that sexy nose and lovely joint in its mouth is there to be enjoyed by all courtesy of moi lol
Finally the complete project! i shall name him...evil kanevill
we all fell in love with evil...or did we get possessed...evil thing it was...
This is team snow man! we all worked very hard to attain that beautiful masterpiece!we are missing one team member because he is taking the foto but its all good!
Just before we left we decided to be our mission to remove all snowmen except our after our long tiring battle( and thanh severly injured...) we were satisfied with our days work!
Our normal pose
Our wink murder pose
And as us being asians we decided to have a Fobulous pose 1!
And...a Fobtacular pose 2!...gawd almightly...
This trip will have it happy memories! and painful...snowboarding killed my ahole but it was soooooooo worth it! hahah anywayz gotta start studying again its time to nerd it up boys n girls!
Bye Bye

This trip will have it happy memories! and painful...snowboarding killed my ahole but it was soooooooo worth it! hahah anywayz gotta start studying again its time to nerd it up boys n girls!
Bye Bye
Sunday, 1 July 2007
Finally holidayssss, although i hope it will end on a happy note with my exam results coming out all positive 'fingers crossed' i walk into the holidays, apart from that particular weight bearing on my shoulder, a relatively free man! haha ok not very free i guess...but these holidays are looking to be rather exciting for me! lots of futsal lots of catching up with some old friends! and a certain someone is coming to visit in 9 days! after JUST arriving from melb and being reminded that i hadn't updated this stupid thing in a while i thought i shall just briefly go through and rough itinerary; in no particular order:
See friends
Play futsal
Go shopping
Meet BB
Eat everything i cant get in Aus
Notice the trend no studying not that i really did much during the semester, but i feel i should really get into my work more if not i might really get hit hard by results next sem!!! time to pull dem socks up! although i said i would do that at the start of the year...haha well i hope i can accomplish all that i set out to do this hols including the catching up part! Since i am long over due for alot of my appointments! got a new waja! so exciting! i hope i dont scratch it lol sigh so nice new cars :D lol happy holidays!
Cant wait for my b to come down to kl WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO party time! lol
See friends
Play futsal
Go shopping
Meet BB
Eat everything i cant get in Aus
Notice the trend no studying not that i really did much during the semester, but i feel i should really get into my work more if not i might really get hit hard by results next sem!!! time to pull dem socks up! although i said i would do that at the start of the year...haha well i hope i can accomplish all that i set out to do this hols including the catching up part! Since i am long over due for alot of my appointments! got a new waja! so exciting! i hope i dont scratch it lol sigh so nice new cars :D lol happy holidays!
Cant wait for my b to come down to kl WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO party time! lol
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Exam Time
Its been a while since i actually sat down to write a post...
It is that time of the year again everyone is having exams! interesting life is with exams...Well for some it is nearing the end of their exams but mine are, however, just beginning...after tackling one exam i am down 1 and up 3...exams that is...which isn't very up if you think about it. Anyway instead of studying late into the night, since my exam is 5 days away, i have decided instead TO blog! haha...if my parents read this im so dead lol but not many people are going to read this apart from Noelle and Jet and the occasional bored person whom is so bored they are actually WONDERING whats going on in my life. I thank thee kind sir/ma'am to take time out of your life to have interest in knowing whats happening in mine! i also thank noelle and jet for reading my blog although they obviously have better things to do...such as dotaing! haha moving on then, its been a real wonder to me lately what it would be like to enter the exam period having done so little work in the semester in comparison to last year where i had to work my ass off every other night to keep up. Now i just practice 3 weeks pre-exam period and i dont seem to even be that scared! I wonder if thats a good...or a bad thing...well i guess i wont know until AFTER my exams then aye! comforting for me lol
It also occured to me today, while walking to the library, that the British never complete their words, such as fink -> think, free -> three, aye -> hey and sometimes they just combine words conveniently such as innit...haha strange how they can call English...well English! haha okie i think im talking bout too much
So how does one prepare for the upcoming exams? although i have already completed one exam and most of you have practically finished i thought it would be interesting to see the itinerary before an exam
24 hours before the exam: Cram like there is no tomorrow
15 hours before the exam: Eat so much nandos you will sleep straight away
4 hours before the exam: Cram some more
1 hour before the exam: Panic and pray you wont fail
Yea...if you were looking for tips here...not going to get any haha
Anyway exams finish late for damn depressing everyone finishes by like the 23rd latest...and i finish on the 27th!!! W T F...seriously...sigh anyways its cool i get to hang around for a bit more and when i go back which is 3 days later i will be ready to just rest and bloody relax! its what i am truly looking forward to...which 10 days later i will recieve a visit from a certain lady friend that im ALSO looking forward to! excellent
Remember remember, the 5th of June...
Tis time to be off to bed, sand man is throwing sand in mine eyes~!
It is that time of the year again everyone is having exams! interesting life is with exams...Well for some it is nearing the end of their exams but mine are, however, just beginning...after tackling one exam i am down 1 and up 3...exams that is...which isn't very up if you think about it. Anyway instead of studying late into the night, since my exam is 5 days away, i have decided instead TO blog! haha...if my parents read this im so dead lol but not many people are going to read this apart from Noelle and Jet and the occasional bored person whom is so bored they are actually WONDERING whats going on in my life. I thank thee kind sir/ma'am to take time out of your life to have interest in knowing whats happening in mine! i also thank noelle and jet for reading my blog although they obviously have better things to do...such as dotaing! haha moving on then, its been a real wonder to me lately what it would be like to enter the exam period having done so little work in the semester in comparison to last year where i had to work my ass off every other night to keep up. Now i just practice 3 weeks pre-exam period and i dont seem to even be that scared! I wonder if thats a good...or a bad thing...well i guess i wont know until AFTER my exams then aye! comforting for me lol
It also occured to me today, while walking to the library, that the British never complete their words, such as fink -> think, free -> three, aye -> hey and sometimes they just combine words conveniently such as innit...haha strange how they can call English...well English! haha okie i think im talking bout too much
So how does one prepare for the upcoming exams? although i have already completed one exam and most of you have practically finished i thought it would be interesting to see the itinerary before an exam
24 hours before the exam: Cram like there is no tomorrow
15 hours before the exam: Eat so much nandos you will sleep straight away
4 hours before the exam: Cram some more
1 hour before the exam: Panic and pray you wont fail
Yea...if you were looking for tips here...not going to get any haha
Anyway exams finish late for damn depressing everyone finishes by like the 23rd latest...and i finish on the 27th!!! W T F...seriously...sigh anyways its cool i get to hang around for a bit more and when i go back which is 3 days later i will be ready to just rest and bloody relax! its what i am truly looking forward to...which 10 days later i will recieve a visit from a certain lady friend that im ALSO looking forward to! excellent
Remember remember, the 5th of June...
Tis time to be off to bed, sand man is throwing sand in mine eyes~!
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Party Pics =D
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Asean vs AA
On Sunday was my first outdoor game in almost a year...haha i guess it wasn't too bad, although i conceded a penalty which wasn't ALL that fun...haha but it wasn't too bad either with a good win 3-1, but was a bit disappointed overall with the other 2 teams. Anywayz pictures speak a thousand words! but captions help haha
Our final disappointment after playing 70 mins of football
Me chasing the ball! worked very hard...damn ball moved fast
Me trying to look very professional...hahahaha
Noobs...taking corners...luckily they weren't very good haha
Goalllllll kick!
Pushing up the defense!
Half time team talk

Wednesday, 16 May 2007
From nothing to something
Well there's 2 parts to this particular post. Its not really relative so yea...i just felt like talking about it since i haven't blogged in such a long period, kinda makes this space slightly redundant haha so anyways first part that relates to the title involves the person that i like. Its kinda strange really, its something you don't expect but it happens, especially when you think to yourself "oh yea as if something like THAT is going to happen! hah!" and you laugh it off thinking i am never going to be involved. But time passes and its pretty much insurmountable isn't it...i mean its hard to believe that you wont fall for them...until it actually happens. Which is where the NOTHING becomes SOMETHING part comes in; i mean if i really believed that i didn't want it to happen how can it still happen? Isn't it all cognitive? Its a strange phenomenon isn't it, whether or not is ceases to interest me for long...i wont know...sigh...on a side note alot of things happening this week for me! Cirque Du Soleil which i am looking forward too! tomorrow i have a driving lesson; which i am a wee bit nervous bout becuz of how anal they will be while im on the roads with my 'bad habits' haha and on Saturday Man Utd vs Chelsea FA cup Final and finally big game on Sunday Team AA vs. Team Asean or Melb Uni asian society vs Monash asian society. Heh I wonder how that's going to turn out!
And on that note football!(and to the aussie numbnuts soccer) i never knew how much i improved in soccer until this recent training. I know im not fantastic but to see myself go from a person who couldn't kick a ball to being picked for a team without 2 thoughts, really amazed me! haha it never used to happen. I remember the days when i was in school i was ALWAYS the last to be picked in the teams. Hahaha shows how great a talent i used to be aye haha but now at monash i command a wee bit more respect! Quite interesting really. I think it shows that i can really do something if i set my mind to it...if ONLY i could do it for my studies LOL i wonder how i will do in the future lol
And on that note football!(and to the aussie numbnuts soccer) i never knew how much i improved in soccer until this recent training. I know im not fantastic but to see myself go from a person who couldn't kick a ball to being picked for a team without 2 thoughts, really amazed me! haha it never used to happen. I remember the days when i was in school i was ALWAYS the last to be picked in the teams. Hahaha shows how great a talent i used to be aye haha but now at monash i command a wee bit more respect! Quite interesting really. I think it shows that i can really do something if i set my mind to it...if ONLY i could do it for my studies LOL i wonder how i will do in the future lol
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Okay i'm going to tell this from my perspective about a 'friend' haha whether it is relevant to the context...its best if we just don't know.
So this is the scenario, lets just say i have a friend whom...makes friends with the opposite sex and just tends to...fall for them. Now is this a mistake? or is this the way to go? and does it necessarily mean that the opposing party will really agree to this? Well this friend of mine has had problems concerning this before and it cost him his 2 best friends. This happened almost 4 years ago, but sometimes you just can't help but wonder how things would have been had he dated his good friend would he have been happy?
Again my friend seems to have this re-occurring problem even though it cost him his best friend 4 years ago and almost nearly cost him his best friend again at the start of last why? why does he keep doing this to himself...its a wonder can someone be so thick skulled to not realise that his mistakes are causing him his misery. And again the problem has come back...i guess he gets easily influenced by his friends, always pointing out hey you should go out with her. Kind of gets repetitive. And eventually he breaks and decides hey maybe its not going to be so bad dating a good friend; but is it really not going to be so bad?
Questions that need answering...problems that need solving...and to think, so many people feel the world revolves around them but its unfortunate that they dont...
So this is the scenario, lets just say i have a friend whom...makes friends with the opposite sex and just tends to...fall for them. Now is this a mistake? or is this the way to go? and does it necessarily mean that the opposing party will really agree to this? Well this friend of mine has had problems concerning this before and it cost him his 2 best friends. This happened almost 4 years ago, but sometimes you just can't help but wonder how things would have been had he dated his good friend would he have been happy?
Again my friend seems to have this re-occurring problem even though it cost him his best friend 4 years ago and almost nearly cost him his best friend again at the start of last why? why does he keep doing this to himself...its a wonder can someone be so thick skulled to not realise that his mistakes are causing him his misery. And again the problem has come back...i guess he gets easily influenced by his friends, always pointing out hey you should go out with her. Kind of gets repetitive. And eventually he breaks and decides hey maybe its not going to be so bad dating a good friend; but is it really not going to be so bad?
Questions that need answering...problems that need solving...and to think, so many people feel the world revolves around them but its unfortunate that they dont...
Friday, 20 April 2007
Sorhainess + Asean ball
Finally something WORTH blogging about! hahaha, the Asean ball and me and jia + co being absolute morons lol. At the ball the standard of chicks was good, but i didn't have a blast it was kinda...just fun to an extent but could have been far better. Haha every year as usual my hair looks like shit because its too long or i just have no clue wat to do with it and the result was no different this year! so i just sorta stuck it up and just let wateva happen to it haha anyways let the pictures explain for themselves
Ken and I
Jun and I being FOB
Feather weight vs Uber heavy weight
Uber heavyweight losing to feather weight

Feather weight struggling LOL

Splaire in her dress that shows it all LOL skanky ho
the dirty ho, wannabe triad, erriot

Feather weight struggling LOL
Splaire in her dress that shows it all LOL skanky ho
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
The Day in all
Its been kinda weird lately...I never imagined myself to be the kinda person to emo blog, infact! i used to read emo blogs and think to myself wtf is wrong with these people. And here i am...about to emo blog myself...but its kind of a relief to be able to say it here and not have to think bout it anymore than i really have to. So whats's coming down shortly, on the 14th to be exact. I dont know wat to say but shit...ah well as the saying goes. Kinda sucks when your limited to saying certain things though but incase i get unexpected readers, i think its best if i dont mention it.

On a more positive note! i watched this movie today Stomp The Yard, damn its a fkn awesome movie! It's as inspirational as the movie Coach Carter except i was more interested because of the dancing...and lots of inspiration for me to get my abs...haha at least more inspiration! But the dancing was mad, although i've seen better in terms of style, it was still freakin awesome the coordination and the fact that everyone did their own dances and stunts. Watching them do their dance routines and burning each other makes me wanna start stepping at uni! hahahaha as if thats going to happen...i dont think im coordinated enuf to get there haha but its pretty freakin mad, not many hot chicks but still mad!

On the other hand im still waiting for my movie of the year...spiderman3! i want to know wat venom looks like, it will be awesome animation! and very very interesting to know how spiderman stops them.
Okay apart from the movie review whats been going on? well im going to the asean ball on thurs which i hope i will remember to bring a camera too this time! I also am dying to play futsal agen. Haven't been gyming lately but messing around alot with ppl which is draining all my energy, BangBro 1 is back and waiting for bangbro 2 to come bak and then its PARTY TIMEEEE
Anywayz when i have more time and more interesting stories i will blog again!

On a more positive note! i watched this movie today Stomp The Yard, damn its a fkn awesome movie! It's as inspirational as the movie Coach Carter except i was more interested because of the dancing...and lots of inspiration for me to get my abs...haha at least more inspiration! But the dancing was mad, although i've seen better in terms of style, it was still freakin awesome the coordination and the fact that everyone did their own dances and stunts. Watching them do their dance routines and burning each other makes me wanna start stepping at uni! hahahaha as if thats going to happen...i dont think im coordinated enuf to get there haha but its pretty freakin mad, not many hot chicks but still mad!

On the other hand im still waiting for my movie of the year...spiderman3! i want to know wat venom looks like, it will be awesome animation! and very very interesting to know how spiderman stops them.
Okay apart from the movie review whats been going on? well im going to the asean ball on thurs which i hope i will remember to bring a camera too this time! I also am dying to play futsal agen. Haven't been gyming lately but messing around alot with ppl which is draining all my energy, BangBro 1 is back and waiting for bangbro 2 to come bak and then its PARTY TIMEEEE
Anywayz when i have more time and more interesting stories i will blog again!
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Changing times
Its been a transitional period really...Moving from college to uni. And its a whole new life with the nut jobs out of scotch and the new friends i've made, my age group is a bit of a crazy one. But as of late i've found myself changing more and more lately and it could possibly be for the better. Maybe the worse. But i guess i won't really know until after all this has been gone through per se.
I am now:
- Doing work at my own will! *shock horror*! yes i can't believe this either. Its like no one is forcing me to do it, i WANT to do it lol kinda freaky
- Dieting...Don't even say a thing, i KNOW i have become a hypocrite but screw all those people who are going to call me judas when i get my ABS...i hope lol!
- Playing soccer alot less. This one is cuz im getting old cant blame me haha
- Caring about what i wear! This one is new...i've kinda reached a stage where i care what i wear and actually look in a mirror before i walk out. Kinda creepy really.
- Take time to gel my hair!although claire thinks it js looks like the wind blows it one direction ITS NOT THE CASE! its the blow dryer...
-Go to the gym!
Unfortunately i'm in the mood to do work i better take advantage of it! till next time!
I am now:
- Doing work at my own will! *shock horror*! yes i can't believe this either. Its like no one is forcing me to do it, i WANT to do it lol kinda freaky
- Dieting...Don't even say a thing, i KNOW i have become a hypocrite but screw all those people who are going to call me judas when i get my ABS...i hope lol!
- Playing soccer alot less. This one is cuz im getting old cant blame me haha
- Caring about what i wear! This one is new...i've kinda reached a stage where i care what i wear and actually look in a mirror before i walk out. Kinda creepy really.
- Take time to gel my hair!although claire thinks it js looks like the wind blows it one direction ITS NOT THE CASE! its the blow dryer...
-Go to the gym!
Unfortunately i'm in the mood to do work i better take advantage of it! till next time!
Sunday, 25 March 2007
Life's like that i guess
Everythings been great so far. Friends and I are having fantastic times! getting high every weekend and entertaining each other. Studies not an issue, working hard on my essays and assignments so thats going well. I haven't been injured lately, touch wood, and playing plenty of football which has been a blast! haha every 12am-2am on sat nights or thurs nights! But the only thing thats been really really in the ladies department. Its always been a very curious and precarious sort of position for me, I never thought that I would have had so much to think about. Its been a very dry period for me...its been more than a year since i've seen myself in a relationship, and not many people enjoy the thought of being in a relationship. So why do i find it such an appealing situation in which i have to look after a girl whom will probably cause me hell and distract me from what im enjoying now?
I have a few theories...One of them would have to most definetly be because i feel needy. That would then make me clingy. Not good. Hahaha but in anycase i guess i just kinda miss how it feels to be with some one...i'm sure SOME of you understand. But of course some are in a complicated situation. One person i shall not name i can think of in particular and i feel for that person hehe. But i have a question. Last night after clubbing i had the worst rejection of my life, and it was really one of those situations that made it really unfair and shitty bout being a guy. It makes me think, what are girls thinking when they look at you...In malaysia i don't seem to have this problem INFACT i couldn't careless; but here its a whole different ball game! They are so much pickier here (i guess spoilt for choice) and its been really weird, even at uni its been very up in the air because of that lost feeling because of how picky girls are in aus! really spoilt for choice...haha and on top of that i got ratings from local ladies (azn) and no names shall be mentioned! but OMFG i was really disappointed in hearing them. I shall not SAY what the ratings were but yea, fairly painful to hear it thats all i can say.
So here's my question: What makes a guy hot? is it
- Hair
- Facial Shape
- Eyes
- Dress sense
- Height
- Personality
Its really very subjective isn't it. I would like to know what ppl think. Hah if only i were telekinetic like the guy from heroes!
Anyways as a happy note i would just like to leave photos of my broz dog when she was cute until she got ugly and big and a sausage! lol enjoy the picz

I have a few theories...One of them would have to most definetly be because i feel needy. That would then make me clingy. Not good. Hahaha but in anycase i guess i just kinda miss how it feels to be with some one...i'm sure SOME of you understand. But of course some are in a complicated situation. One person i shall not name i can think of in particular and i feel for that person hehe. But i have a question. Last night after clubbing i had the worst rejection of my life, and it was really one of those situations that made it really unfair and shitty bout being a guy. It makes me think, what are girls thinking when they look at you...In malaysia i don't seem to have this problem INFACT i couldn't careless; but here its a whole different ball game! They are so much pickier here (i guess spoilt for choice) and its been really weird, even at uni its been very up in the air because of that lost feeling because of how picky girls are in aus! really spoilt for choice...haha and on top of that i got ratings from local ladies (azn) and no names shall be mentioned! but OMFG i was really disappointed in hearing them. I shall not SAY what the ratings were but yea, fairly painful to hear it thats all i can say.
So here's my question: What makes a guy hot? is it
- Hair
- Facial Shape
- Eyes
- Dress sense
- Height
- Personality
Its really very subjective isn't it. I would like to know what ppl think. Hah if only i were telekinetic like the guy from heroes!
Anyways as a happy note i would just like to leave photos of my broz dog when she was cute until she got ugly and big and a sausage! lol enjoy the picz
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
It has been a while since settling back in melbourne and i haven't really had the opportunity to post! haha now i know why my brother hasn't really posted many posts. It really has been really fun since i've arrived back in melbourne. Watching marcus and co move into their new apartment was a blast, finding out a new friend has decided to 'come out of the closet' and its been very very entertaining this month.
One very very very memorable moment this month was when we started playing drinking games and got lots of ppl absolutely wasted. And it was interesting!!! im going to individually describe what happens to people after they've gone a bit high!
Marcus = Becomes evil. I have never seen this before! it is actually a new category! it was really really entertaining to have seen that! it was really unbelievable haha its a wonder how alcohol can change people.
Ben Sum = Another surprise becomes evil as well! Marcus and Ben seem to influence each other! haha they both go a bit crazy! but it was really funny haha but i cannot descrbe the things that they did. Its far too painful for your eyes!
Aik Sin + Jun Wei = both become horny...i dont know how that really works but i think thats all i need to say haha
Its interesting how the mind work!
One very very very memorable moment this month was when we started playing drinking games and got lots of ppl absolutely wasted. And it was interesting!!! im going to individually describe what happens to people after they've gone a bit high!
Marcus = Becomes evil. I have never seen this before! it is actually a new category! it was really really entertaining to have seen that! it was really unbelievable haha its a wonder how alcohol can change people.
Ben Sum = Another surprise becomes evil as well! Marcus and Ben seem to influence each other! haha they both go a bit crazy! but it was really funny haha but i cannot descrbe the things that they did. Its far too painful for your eyes!
Aik Sin + Jun Wei = both become horny...i dont know how that really works but i think thats all i need to say haha
Its interesting how the mind work!
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Legendary Kid!
This is my first post in god knows how long but this is a must see hahaha a kid OWNS stevie G although it was a chelsea kid it was still HILARIOUS take a look see
Thursday, 8 February 2007
No it is just a coincidence that i stop blogging just when i finish work and my parents leave KL and i suddenly have lots of things to do...haha but in any case it has become harder for me to blog, due to the poor internet service in Malaysia. Anyways lots to talk about! It has been a while since i have blogged and plenty of things have happened which were of great entertainment as time has passed!
First of my last day at work. It was a bit sad for me to leave as i had plenty of fun at the company but i was also glad that i could finally enjoy the rest of my holiday. So we proceeded to a trip to Genting. Marcus, Ben Sum, May Yeng, Fei and I were all ready to head up to the mountain to enjoy a 2 day 1 night holiday. Our trip started on the back foot with me turning up late after a warning from marcus the day before to not party til too late. The fun actually began before we reached Genting after a tireless journey on bus til the midway point of Genting, we took the cable cars to the top and to hear marcus and wy keith squeal was priceless hahah even may had to consult him it was truly hilarious. Ben and I were just enjoying the view and the breeze it was great. Once we got to the top we figured there wasn't much time left in the night so we should wrap up early and call it a night. So we wandered around after having a quick meal at pizza hut and went on to use the motion master, which i have to admit was pretty crap, and then hit the arcades which i also found to be a bit of a disappointment. But the highlight of the trip was funnily enough the most unexpected part of the trip. We decided to go to Ripley's Believe It or Not and entertain ourselves with some facts. We came to a point where we saw 2 mannequins and i don't actually remember what i thought of them but after me and Ben realised they weren't real we proceeded to make everyone else look like fools! the mannequins were placed in such a way that one was posing to take a photo and the other was in position to take a photo, with a sensor activated camera that flashes on cue. Now you can imagine ever moron that walks by is going to think that they are taking photo but will be slightly skeptical. But when me and ben posed with the wax figure it completely changed what people saw! and its amazing how true the saying is a fool is born every minute! haha including myself of course.
Haha i actually do not have the patience today to blog im surprised i even got that far...but i have a feeling i will blogging again soon as i depart for melbourne this sunday i bid KL farewell and i hope to be able to really achieve something before i leave
signing out~
First of my last day at work. It was a bit sad for me to leave as i had plenty of fun at the company but i was also glad that i could finally enjoy the rest of my holiday. So we proceeded to a trip to Genting. Marcus, Ben Sum, May Yeng, Fei and I were all ready to head up to the mountain to enjoy a 2 day 1 night holiday. Our trip started on the back foot with me turning up late after a warning from marcus the day before to not party til too late. The fun actually began before we reached Genting after a tireless journey on bus til the midway point of Genting, we took the cable cars to the top and to hear marcus and wy keith squeal was priceless hahah even may had to consult him it was truly hilarious. Ben and I were just enjoying the view and the breeze it was great. Once we got to the top we figured there wasn't much time left in the night so we should wrap up early and call it a night. So we wandered around after having a quick meal at pizza hut and went on to use the motion master, which i have to admit was pretty crap, and then hit the arcades which i also found to be a bit of a disappointment. But the highlight of the trip was funnily enough the most unexpected part of the trip. We decided to go to Ripley's Believe It or Not and entertain ourselves with some facts. We came to a point where we saw 2 mannequins and i don't actually remember what i thought of them but after me and Ben realised they weren't real we proceeded to make everyone else look like fools! the mannequins were placed in such a way that one was posing to take a photo and the other was in position to take a photo, with a sensor activated camera that flashes on cue. Now you can imagine ever moron that walks by is going to think that they are taking photo but will be slightly skeptical. But when me and ben posed with the wax figure it completely changed what people saw! and its amazing how true the saying is a fool is born every minute! haha including myself of course.
Haha i actually do not have the patience today to blog im surprised i even got that far...but i have a feeling i will blogging again soon as i depart for melbourne this sunday i bid KL farewell and i hope to be able to really achieve something before i leave
signing out~
Monday, 29 January 2007
Russell Peters - mandarin niga
Friday, 26 January 2007
Clear air and shortcuts
Its good to know that when there is something wrong between you and your friends the air can be easily cleared because of that bond we share...after a saga of confusion and misunderstandings its finally cleared and it feels good! really it does, this year is looking promising with my offer finally being told it will be in by next Friday and leaving back to Melbourne alot sooner than expected but hey thats life i guess.
That was on a small note, now to point out another observation that Malaysians are quite notoriously famous or infamous for. The shortcut. After kind of getting lost on the way to dropping a friend home yesterday, we encountered a problem missing a few turns here are there and i realised at that point that malaysians LOVE shortcuts! Malaysians just seem to have shortcuts for EVERYTHING be it in our traveling or our speech. We always find a way to shorten things. For example when going to a particular destination, we seem to be aware or more than one way to reach that destination!
This is a typical conversation between passenger and driver:
Driver: "ayah sucks wei got traffic jam..."
Passenger: "ya loh...nevermind don't worry surely got another way to get there"
Driver: "yah i think we can take the LDP instead of Federal highway huh...if not
nevermind we can also use the back way around PJ that side"
Passenger: "ya ya good point"
And that also displays how malaysians can be SO lazy to even COMPLETE their sentences that they don't even talk properly. Instead of saying "Are you sure that is the case?" a malaysian will say "WHERE GOT!" haha and we pride ourselves as an english speaking nation. Great. Although i myself succumb to such colloquialism its amazing how lazy malaysians can be.
well that was my little observation for the day!
That was on a small note, now to point out another observation that Malaysians are quite notoriously famous or infamous for. The shortcut. After kind of getting lost on the way to dropping a friend home yesterday, we encountered a problem missing a few turns here are there and i realised at that point that malaysians LOVE shortcuts! Malaysians just seem to have shortcuts for EVERYTHING be it in our traveling or our speech. We always find a way to shorten things. For example when going to a particular destination, we seem to be aware or more than one way to reach that destination!
This is a typical conversation between passenger and driver:
Driver: "ayah sucks wei got traffic jam..."
Passenger: "ya loh...nevermind don't worry surely got another way to get there"
Driver: "yah i think we can take the LDP instead of Federal highway huh...if not
nevermind we can also use the back way around PJ that side"
Passenger: "ya ya good point"
And that also displays how malaysians can be SO lazy to even COMPLETE their sentences that they don't even talk properly. Instead of saying "Are you sure that is the case?" a malaysian will say "WHERE GOT!" haha and we pride ourselves as an english speaking nation. Great. Although i myself succumb to such colloquialism its amazing how lazy malaysians can be.
well that was my little observation for the day!
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
Jacky Cheung - Goodbye Kiss
OMG doesn't this song bring back nostalgic after listening to this hahaha brotherend do you remember this song!
Monday, 22 January 2007
What will happen now?
As i approach the age of 19, my brother the age of 25 and my sister has always been a question that has sat in my mind and will continue to do so until i have seen it...but it really is a wonder what will happen to us in the future. Its inevitable that up until a certain age you realise that your dreams are no longer something you can just hope for, but instead it becomes apparent that it needs to become apart of your reality. In some instances you won't get very far...So how far can you actually get? What I'm getting at i guess is where will each and everyone of us be in the years to come? where will I be working? that being said where will all my friends be working! haha that is a rather interesting question...but after watching my brother it has always been a curiosity of mine as to how successful my friends will be. To be honest alot of my friends don't really know what they want to do, and probably go as far as saying "I want to be successful at whatever i do" but still the questions beckons what on earth is it that you WANT to do.
So this is how i figure its going to be:
Jin Min Song(brother) - Successful CA+CEO of one of the big 4 and counting notes until the day he dies.
Noelle Teh(brothers gf/wife/life partner/owner) - Successful Architect, probably will gain recognition status throughout Europe...which pretty much means world wide and designed the building that will make all other architects think there is such thing as god
Wei Lyn Song(sister) - Successful interior designer, living in a nice as house and blowing tons of cash on 'stuff' and her husband will be the house husband as shes the man of the house...
Jin Eu Song(yours truly) - Successful CEO of an advertising agency recognised throughout the advertising world, married to Tiffany Lee and the next Malaysian prime minister( I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY JUST WATCH AND SEE!)
Marcus Teo - CEO of the Internationally renown company Acut Above, owning the hugh hephner version of a mansion in Malaysia
Wy Keith Neo - CEO of Krispy Kreme and proud sponsor to the diabetes foundation
Bryan Ong - CEO of Blizzard gaming industry and permanently blind for the amount of DotA he played at such a young age...
Kur Win Lau - Professionally playing football for Malaysia and being the self-proclaimed 'best player in the world'
Mrina (I won't even try to spell her surname) - World renown Food scientist for discovering the 'M' diet which was also the cause for the increase in cancer in people around the world
May Yeng Goh - The woman who developed what we will come to know as 'Multi purpose Gel' which turns out to be the cure for cancer...Mrina is saved...
Ben Sum - Malaysia's smartest representative in the Heavyweight lifting division and pro wrestler and pro rugby player
Jon Yong - Arrested for stalking a girl and possessing a 'cult like' shrine in his home of the poor victim...
Aaron Dhillon - The man who turned from med to law, and made the use of cannabis/marijuana/weed/dope legal again.
K-man Chang - The man who will make drain all of Brunei's money and form his own nation and start his own race
Geoffrey Lee - Will lead a normal life and be very boring but unfortunately very successful....
Jenifer Jiang - Same fate as Geoff, Which is why they are getting married...
Haha maybe a wee bit far-fetched, but hey aren't we all dreamers? haha but alas! it really will be interesting to see where everyone ends up. This year has already dived into the 1/4 way for most of us as we approach the age of 19 and already begin to stabilise our foundations for the years to come. Most of us have our goals already set infront of us...Its another question whether we have the ability to achieve it. Ah well only time can tell!
Peace out Mon Amiessss
So this is how i figure its going to be:
Jin Min Song(brother) - Successful CA+CEO of one of the big 4 and counting notes until the day he dies.
Noelle Teh(brothers gf/wife/life partner/owner) - Successful Architect, probably will gain recognition status throughout Europe...which pretty much means world wide and designed the building that will make all other architects think there is such thing as god
Wei Lyn Song(sister) - Successful interior designer, living in a nice as house and blowing tons of cash on 'stuff' and her husband will be the house husband as shes the man of the house...
Jin Eu Song(yours truly) - Successful CEO of an advertising agency recognised throughout the advertising world, married to Tiffany Lee and the next Malaysian prime minister( I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY JUST WATCH AND SEE!)
Marcus Teo - CEO of the Internationally renown company Acut Above, owning the hugh hephner version of a mansion in Malaysia
Wy Keith Neo - CEO of Krispy Kreme and proud sponsor to the diabetes foundation
Bryan Ong - CEO of Blizzard gaming industry and permanently blind for the amount of DotA he played at such a young age...
Kur Win Lau - Professionally playing football for Malaysia and being the self-proclaimed 'best player in the world'
Mrina (I won't even try to spell her surname) - World renown Food scientist for discovering the 'M' diet which was also the cause for the increase in cancer in people around the world
May Yeng Goh - The woman who developed what we will come to know as 'Multi purpose Gel' which turns out to be the cure for cancer...Mrina is saved...
Ben Sum - Malaysia's smartest representative in the Heavyweight lifting division and pro wrestler and pro rugby player
Jon Yong - Arrested for stalking a girl and possessing a 'cult like' shrine in his home of the poor victim...
Aaron Dhillon - The man who turned from med to law, and made the use of cannabis/marijuana/weed/dope legal again.
K-man Chang - The man who will make drain all of Brunei's money and form his own nation and start his own race
Geoffrey Lee - Will lead a normal life and be very boring but unfortunately very successful....
Jenifer Jiang - Same fate as Geoff, Which is why they are getting married...
Haha maybe a wee bit far-fetched, but hey aren't we all dreamers? haha but alas! it really will be interesting to see where everyone ends up. This year has already dived into the 1/4 way for most of us as we approach the age of 19 and already begin to stabilise our foundations for the years to come. Most of us have our goals already set infront of us...Its another question whether we have the ability to achieve it. Ah well only time can tell!
Peace out Mon Amiessss
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
-Studio C- EvenT
This art exhibition was exclusive and so i had the privilege of working with 12 lovely looking ladies unfortunately i dont have a close up of them but! there were lots of splendid art works set up all around and here are some examples of their splendid work. This was at entry, it wasn't just an exhibition it was sorta event with art galleries as the main attraction? it was great!
This was upon was many ppl so hard to control
Girls working hard!
Can u spot the bouncer? i.e. me hehe
How cool is the entrance!
Me hiding in the shadows during a brief hehe
My colleague's art work
One of the other artists work which looked fantastic
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