Anyways i thought i'd share an experience with you and continue my brothers colourful observations of the happenings in malaysia...and this one is a real twisted one...hahaha in how many countries do u see people taking a dump/shit/turd/whatever the hell u want to call it next to your vehicle?...not many i suppose...BUT alas...malaysia has some how achieved the unachievable...i actually witnessed some1 taking a shit in between 2 cars...unfortunately i didn't have my camera handy but it was truly a NASTY SIGHT...Malaysia truly asia...right...But i can't leave malaysia's description on a bad note! of course there is the upside!And that is the food, omgoodness its so cheap down here...i complain eating 10AUD is expensive...just there other day i ate at a mamak stall(road side stall for u non malaysians) and it cost 4AUD for FOUR PEOPLE!!!i tell u man eating here is like heaven...its way too good man...unreal unreal...
Which i also saw the release of today in a press conference was the new Visit Malaysia Campaign for 2007 and the exclusive hearing of the new song which is released on the new website. It was most interesting to note that the guys who put together the whole campaign WEREN'T EVEN MALAYSIAN hahaha. The persons who coordinated the song and directed the campaign were a Filipino and a Dutch! the person who designed and coordinated the website was an American!(they all can be seen on the TBWA link btw Bas, Paul Lingan and Datuk Tim Garland dont even ask me how he got his datuk'ship). I met the Minister of Tourism Datuk Victor Wee. Hah and to think i am a small fry in the big sea...truly will be interesting to see where i will be in 10-15 year from now...infact will be interesting to see where EVERYONE will be in that time!
here is another sight that is fanfreakintastic and i have a foto it too!

hahahaha ok this wasn't taken by me nor am i certain if it is real...but imagine if you stepped out of your door one day and thats the first thing u saw staring straight at you! haha how bad your day would turn out to be...i dare not even imagine!
I'm thinking i should have a foto everytime i blog so it doesn't look so boring...haha or js type a really long one which most of you wont even read! haha anyway
Peace Out
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