Thursday, 28 December 2006
The Grand Finale
So how was my year 2006?
Like every other year there have been lots of up and lots of downs. It thus far has proved to be a valuable experience of a year where i think this really has been a turning point in my life and i have matured(well kinda).
It all really slapped me in the face when i recieved my results at the end of 2005 and all i can say is i did really poorly and its not something i can be proud of. Year 2006 came and i saw a knew light on life my parents had given me a 3rd chance and i thank them and am ever so grateful for this opportunity to continue with my education which, im not sure if most of you know, almost ended at that time. The year actually began with a bang a new girlfriend, uni was sorted, on good term with all my friends and parents gave me another chance at really hitting the books and doing something with my life. No sooner had i left back to Melbourne did things really start to fall on me all over again.
-The loss of the new girlfriend
-Constant distractions such as clubbing and football
-The poor work produced at uni
It really wasn't looking to good at the beginning where i strayed significantly from all the important things that i needed to focus on and it seemed rather familiar. I felt i was throwing away another year and this really hit me after mid year exams(ya i know a bit late) where i had failed a subject. I realised then i had to buck up. In conjunction with my passing grandfather which i watched passed away infront of my own eyes and was truly traumatised, but my father told me he always feared of passing away alone and hungry. His fear was never realised as my grandfather passed while choking on his favourite food, ironically, and all if not most family members were present so thank god that he really did see the end of his life on a positive note. It was to be a real eye opener for me and may my grandfathers legacy live in all of us. At this point i realised i needed to do well i couldn't slack any further if not marcus and all my good friends in my junior year will be catching up with me! and i had to work hard for myself and for my future.
Of course the year hadn't been all bleak and dark haha far from it! alot of joyous memories came from it! the year i turn 18! into a man! haha or as my brother would say wahhh tai chai sang kuku mo LoL, A few of my cousins were to find their partners for life(or at least i hope so!) and joined in holy matrimony congradz to pat and paul and a few of my other cousins who saw the inside of a church! or at least those who chose to hah and to my god brother who will be getting married in a short 2 days time. But there have also been end to relationships which have been great and the centre of my admiration for years to come, one of which was my brothers which didn't last very long but am ever so grateful didn't last very long! and hope some day will get married haha. Another of which was my realli good frends who saw an end to a beautiful relationship but my hope and prayers are with them to hopefully find that spark to reignite their wonderful relationship they had. Man Utd are also playing FANTASTICALLY and Reading did us a massive favour by owning Chelsea's keepers which were their most important players. In terms of my own sporting achievements i've shared many ups and downs from scoring screamers and given nicknames to, unfortunately, given the title butterfingers and poor keeping but finished division 4 champions! err... yay? haha
So the end of year approaches and second semester draws to a conclusion...a positive conclusion! although there was some complications i did it! i passed first year successfully! and i was proud and fully satisfied. I would then come back to Malaysia to start work at the advertising agency TBWA/ISC+Tequila/Mylo, where i would see and experience so many of the work worlds great things. Where i witnessed one of the final products of the company's achievements in the form of Salem's Revelation 2006 Melaka and later on go on to help with other subsequent events. I was to move onto further better things, my ex that i have been desperately avoiding since the break up, have made amends! i got a new laptop!which my parents were more than happy to purchase for me upon my success of completing first year. Finally the my overseas trip for the first time to Vietnam proved to be a very interesting and entertaining journey as blogged before i managed to achieve one of the things i wanted to do before i die!
Because i will be heading to Macau in a short 3 days i thought that it would be best, not knowing how stable my internet connection is at home, that i should write this in the office before i leave, since i have officially finished work for 2006.
As the year rapidly comes to an end I would like to wish everybody who reads this(if any) a very safe and extremely happy new year! and may 2007 be full of joy for you and your family, i know most will be heading overseas i wish you guys all the best! and those joining me in melbourne, be prepared for an entertaining year with the notorious crew consisting of marcus, me, wy kit, jon and ben sum
Monday, 25 December 2006
VietNam...tOo CoOl
The driving and traffic truly scary and apparently not so long ago malaysia was like that! so not cool man haha but quite obviously malaysia still shows signs of this and i kid you not when i say this photo was taken on an almost normal night! It really is a fast paced moving city, even the little old ladies just shoved me out of the way as if i was just another obstruction!wellll if you think bout it i kinda am...haha anyways the traffic was really scary and crossing the road EVEN scarier although people there swerve around you unlike in malaysia where they try to hit you over.
The highlight of my trip however was achieving something that i told myself i had to do before i die...a list i shall not name because it is something i just want to keep to myself...but this is one thing im pretty comfortable sharing! we went to the Cu Chi (Kuchee) tunnels where the vietkongs lived underground for a considerable amount of time and man...i could barely even fit in the damn tunnel, i am the size of an american and i can quite honestly say that it really is a bitch to be climbing through those tunnels. The chances of people being killed in those tunnels are so high and it really is engenuis...but the real high light came when we got to the range! No not a driving range but a shooting range, and i had the opportunity to experience one in a life time...shooting a gun...and not just any gun! i finally realised how damn hard it was to aim and actually hit something! the target was 200 meters away but it really takes one hell of a shot to be able to hit something acurately , i cant imagine running and shooting someone...that almost seems impossible but it really was a fantastic feeling. The two guns i shot were an AK-47 which im sure most of you know what it is and the other was a machine gun no idea what the name is but damn one you hit the trigger you never let go!
Live Ammo
Anyways realli tired...need the rest!
Peace out
Monday, 18 December 2006
The monthly jen
What to do on a weekend without you...
Anyways later on we discovered there was a road block and we noticed that there were lots of people so we happily assumed it was illegal drag racing and we discussed how inappropriate/appropriate it was to do this in hartamas, only to find out later that it was an organised event by porsche,! lol
Weekend got particularly dreadful we i was dead tired with a bad stomach flu and inability to sleep my mad parents woke me up early in the morning for the next round of events which was to lead to a miserable monday morning...first i woke up in the morning to get a haircut which ended up looking like i just got out of the amercian army...then, already extremely tired, i went to my grandfathers house where i saw my relatives and tried to get some rest...which i failed to do miserably BECAUSE my abnormally large sister took the opportunity to SIT on me while i was sleeping...another unsuccessful attempt to rest.
Then when we got home my father decided to go to you can imagine since i am already almost just about dead...i get asked to play badminton and go bowling which severely injured my forearm and my groin(playing badminton) which i am nurturing back today...shortly thereafter my father decides we should go to plaza damas and NOT go home...which i needed oh so badly...we proceeded to have dinner by which i was already falling asleep at the table almost allowing my head to be planted straight into my wantan mee...then my dad took the liberty of dragging my fat tired ass to pasar malam which by then i decided enuf was enuf and js rested in the car until it was time to get out.
I then struggled to follow a dismal match that united played full of missed chances and disappointed was realli topped off in the previous match which chelsea managed to salvage shockingly and i was majorly irritated...twas a horrible night indeed...
i now sit at work grumpy, disgruntled and most of all pissed off that united lost i am tired...and i need to sleep...ZZZzzzzZZzzzZZZZzzZZZz
Friday, 15 December 2006
1. No porn
2. No friendster to stalk chicks
3. No blogs to search for other chicks
4. No chicks to chat to on msn
5. No sports updates (in my case football/soccer)
6. No youtube!
7. No online games
8. No life-wasting forums to read
9. No searching of chicks pics on google
10. No research can be done (i swear this is the only thing affecting me hehe)
hmm...ladies...maybe a bit harder to figure out but im sure it may be some where along those lines...or maybe closer towards the bottom bit...hah im sure...anyways its some of the reasons I think guys will die without the internet haha not that im affected by most of these things since you knowwww i don't watch porn or stalk chicks on friendster...*dum dee dum* ANYWAYS swiftly moving on i was doing ground work yest at a formal event! that was a blast although now i think im completely deprived of so damn tired...but it was still good fun to help out and watch it all get set up, Royal Salute for Chivas...oh man it was great! its amazing how some of these things get put together and even more amazing when they pull it off! i was shown the brandscape and it was just a computer generated picture of the entire event. Next thing i know im looking at the EXACT set up they came up with and it looked so exact! as if they took a photo of it and just pasted it to my eyeballs! it was really amazing. I think i need to start carrying a camera around with me! so many things but nothing i can show on the blog lol.
The craving to game is becoming strong. In dire need to play Dota...and RO...and FM...and and NUUUUUUUUUU im really interested in playing computer games now...dont know why it wasn't like this before...what have i BECOME lol and im desperate to play futsal i want to play futsal WHY DOESNT ANY1 PLAY ANYMORE!!! exactly 7 days i will be on a plane to vietnam...or as it was known back then 'nam' lol how fun i may get to fulfill one of my lifes ambition of shooting a gun and i got an event to attend tonite dance off by martell free alcohol nice nice, as my good friend kelvin would put it.
Peace out
Monday, 11 December 2006
My new hobbies

anywayz if anyone is interested in joining me in attempting either sepak takraw or c walk or both!let me know! hehe im a wee bit ambitious bout it would be so cool to play sepak takraw! but err c walk...can really do yourself at home haha but would be fun to get together and attempt it! But football will always be my passion which by the way the red devils won on the weekend again and arsenal aided united by making chelsea draw BOO YAH
My inspiration! - Sepak Takraw
Okay i know what you all are thinking that i am mad to even try this or rather "as if you could get of the ground high enough to kick" but zomg this sport is way cool!
Friday, 8 December 2006
Vain Pot's request
Monday, 4 December 2006
Poker you fei!
Anyways weekend started off with a bang! haha it was the funniest round of poker/most exciting round of poker i have ever played! as expected the most experienced players dominated the game i.e me and marcus. It was to be an exciting round of poker with Marcus, Bryan and Wy keith. It started of aggressive with me, bryan and wy keith going in for the high betting rounds and strong pots and it was to be a game of safety more so than trickery, you know since we are all friends... anyways we had many rounds of amazing hands. 4 hands were most memorable to me, it was exciting with marcus seemingly being the only guy to deal all the sudden deaths no.4 on the list came with bryan's amazing come back lol. He was down heavy and on his last round with one chip left. Who knew he was to win with a pair that was completely and utterly unbelievably unlikely to get and beat us...Then came hand no.3 which i was heavily involved in and was completely and utterly unbelievable...DAMN YOU WY KEITH U FAT GUY...I had pair J's in my hand Bryan had Pair K's and wy kieth had one damn 4....on the flop 3 fours came out first round...and it was like omgwtfbbq wy kieth u haxor cheating scum bag...and then the bets went up and up and up and up...another J came out and i was like oh man 3 J's i got this in the bag wy kieth is lying for sure...i was slightly richer than them so i drew them both to all in. So i thought man if i can kill these 2 off at it would be that it should backfire on my ass...DAMN U WY KIETH AND UR 4's. 2nd hand of the night goes to marcus! who was also on the verge of losing it all when he struck 5 diamond flush...all of us confirm man wtf...and the hand of the night! ROYAL FLUSHHHHH hahaha and i got it! that was realli wtf...although in terms of hands in relation to situations marcus should have won but straight out best hand of the night! beat that man...haha it was realli the shock of the night for me at least, next to wy keiths unbelievable win...damn himmm
After an action packed friday night we had an action packed morning on saturday which saw paik qinn get schooled big time! Marcus and kurwin link up some good play and my monash frend who showed his true striking prowess although he is a goalkeeper...haha it was good fun although i got a bit rough towards the end after countless frustrations, but it was still good fun. I also started collecting more anime...haha

Anyways til next time!
Peace out Homebros
Thursday, 30 November 2006
Victory is ourS!
Although today also proved to be a frustrating day...hdd dieded on my...cannot believe it dieded on all the information maybe lost 10 gig poor sister has to endure...oh well! moving on swiftly then this weekend should be fun meeting my grand uncle on my dads side for the first time ever. Having a poker night with marcus as well! which should prove interesting with the challenge of fei keith and im not sure who else...but should still prove fun!
Damn sports unlimited is so expensive now RM100 an hour its ridiculous! so not fair man...but my futsal urge is yet to die! i need more futsal! it has become apart of life for me...its sad i know but i love the game with a passion! even more so football!!! ahhh how i miss the days where we used to play football on a pitch on saturdays. Where we were pretty much guaranteed 11 aside...ah those were the days...thats infact the only thing i missed about the good ol days...but lets save that for another blog shall we!
Monday, 27 November 2006
Colourful weekend
This is where my weekend got a bit colourful. Not sure if it was something i conjured up in my own my after scaring myself to death staying in a room by myself, but i had a dream. Or rather a nightmare...i 'dreamt' (putting it in inverted commas cuz of uncertainty!) that i was lying in the hotel bed with a girl holding my hand...yes yes call me hum sup or whatever you may please but it was PRETTY freaky and it felt so real! She was just holding my hand and there was no recollection of her face or her body shape just a hand...and when i woke up in the morning i couldn't quite grasp what had happened becuz its the ONLY thing i remember so still creeps me out neck kinda hurts now...DUM DUM DUM damn shutters...haha incase u didn't know shutters is a thai ghost movie please proceed to watch it! scare yourself shitless haha but yea it was fairly creepy.
Then on the way down had brilliant food once again and then i played futsal with marcus and crew with some of my friends from was hilarious the number of things that happened but the funniest thing was yet to come haha it was to be the ownage of pq, justin and kurwin courtesy of! haha im such a modest person...anyway it was to be that i humiliated them but nut megging pq(although marcus says its justin I THINK NOT) and then carried it past justin before laying up into the ring over kurwin! my finest moment in basketball history!lol not a very long history ey...haha
anyways then i had a quiet night at dinner before the massive game which i dont know to be disappointed or relieved that we didn't lose but we should have won! i hate those dirty chelsea players and they called c.ronaldo cheap...donkeys....
anywayz waiting for a more eventful time! tmrw big game against the rival agency hope to win!
Friday, 24 November 2006
Technology OwnZ!

For all the critics out there SCREW YOU...this machine is the best...but i hope to get my new laptop this weekend! or at least attempt too...and new phone...hehe that would be awesome weekend man! going to Genting highlands to chill for a night...hopefully i can get the D900 Samsung...dood that fone is the shit man...the monstrosity of a laptop i want to get!!!N6220 fujitsu =D... despite what all the people say about Fujitsu, read the specs and weep bitches! this is the real deal!

- 17 Inch super wide clarity
- Dual hard disk 240gig
- Built in Subwoofa
- 2GB DDR2 533MHz
- Intel Centrino Mobile Technology

Marcus has started me on the futsal addiction please all youz guys who read our blogs dont hesitate to organise more futsal games!!!! invite us! we will not disappoint u! well i might...but i will try not to =p
Thursday, 23 November 2006
some interesting facts of life...
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
(Hardly seems worth it.)
If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.
(Now that's more like it!)
The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
(In my next life, I want to be a pig.)
A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death (Creepy.)
(I'm still not over the pig.)
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour
(Don't try this at home, maybe at work)
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.
(Honey, I'm home. What the...?!)
The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.
(30 minutes..lucky pig! Can you imagine?)
The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
(What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)
Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
(I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity)
Butterflies taste with their feet.
(Something I always wanted to know.)
The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmmm......)
Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
(If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)
Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
(Okay, so that would be a good thing)
A cat's urine glows under a black light.
(I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
( I know some people like that.)
Starfish have no brains
(I know some people like that too.)
Polar bears are left-handed.
(If they switch, they'll live a lot longer)
Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
(What about that pig??
Thank you for reading!
(And God love that pig!).
Wednesday, 22 November 2006
Death Note

Anyways Office quietened down today...bosses all ran out for the MAS presentation and they all running to the PM's house after for the new VMY was really weird...still is kind of weird because with the bosses out its been really quiet.
Enli is evil...she introduced this game which is super addictive and happens to be freakin hard...and its taking up all my time in the office! I should be doing work!!! now...hahaha its ok as long as i get the work im required to get done it should be ok right? anyway this is one hell of a dangerously difficult and addictive without hints and you shall suffer. Miserably. Been at this game 3 days now and i am only up to level 21...without hints...its freakin insane game...imagine being given a riddle without words...just a picture...HOW THE HELL ARE YOU MEANT TO FIGURE SHIT OUT MAN! bryan and now marcus is hooked...tis an evil game which carries the name god...blasphemy i say! hahaha
Monday, 20 November 2006
Only in malaysia...(con'td from brothers blog)
Anyways i thought i'd share an experience with you and continue my brothers colourful observations of the happenings in malaysia...and this one is a real twisted one...hahaha in how many countries do u see people taking a dump/shit/turd/whatever the hell u want to call it next to your vehicle?...not many i suppose...BUT alas...malaysia has some how achieved the unachievable...i actually witnessed some1 taking a shit in between 2 cars...unfortunately i didn't have my camera handy but it was truly a NASTY SIGHT...Malaysia truly asia...right...But i can't leave malaysia's description on a bad note! of course there is the upside!And that is the food, omgoodness its so cheap down here...i complain eating 10AUD is expensive...just there other day i ate at a mamak stall(road side stall for u non malaysians) and it cost 4AUD for FOUR PEOPLE!!!i tell u man eating here is like heaven...its way too good man...unreal unreal...
Which i also saw the release of today in a press conference was the new Visit Malaysia Campaign for 2007 and the exclusive hearing of the new song which is released on the new website. It was most interesting to note that the guys who put together the whole campaign WEREN'T EVEN MALAYSIAN hahaha. The persons who coordinated the song and directed the campaign were a Filipino and a Dutch! the person who designed and coordinated the website was an American!(they all can be seen on the TBWA link btw Bas, Paul Lingan and Datuk Tim Garland dont even ask me how he got his datuk'ship). I met the Minister of Tourism Datuk Victor Wee. Hah and to think i am a small fry in the big sea...truly will be interesting to see where i will be in 10-15 year from now...infact will be interesting to see where EVERYONE will be in that time!
here is another sight that is fanfreakintastic and i have a foto it too!

hahahaha ok this wasn't taken by me nor am i certain if it is real...but imagine if you stepped out of your door one day and thats the first thing u saw staring straight at you! haha how bad your day would turn out to be...i dare not even imagine!
I'm thinking i should have a foto everytime i blog so it doesn't look so boring...haha or js type a really long one which most of you wont even read! haha anyway
Peace Out
Thursday, 16 November 2006
Joke of MY day!
Her Diary, His Diary
Tonight I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I
thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment.
Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk.
He agreed but he kept quiet and absent. I asked him what was wrong; he said nothing. I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He
said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry.
On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving.
I can't explain his behavior. I don't know why he didn't say I love you too. When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore.
He just sat there and watched T.V. He seemed distant and absent.
Finally, I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed, and to my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still felt that he was distracted
and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do.
I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.
I shot the worst round of golf in my life today, but at least I got laid.
Yes i am indeed easily amused...hehe but c'mon it is kind of funny...kinda =p anyway today is a bit slow at started off pretty good then sorted died down towards the end now...for once i would like to know what it would feel like if Malaysia was actually freezing...that would be awesome! imagine skiing down the damasara heights slope! hahaha ok for all you non-malaysians that are reading this damansara is this steep ass slope and it would be so cool if it was covered in snow!!! anyways i heard news that my good friends from Australia may be coming down with his girlfriend and stay with me, that will be awesome! I also heard that my holiday this year maybe vegas or vietnam! not that i realli mind either but man these holidays have been so cool! work(which surprisingly is fun!), friends, a bit of freedom, and travelling and exploring! toooo coool!
i wish i could go to an island for holiday with my friends...but because now is the wet season it will be impossible to get some beach time, and hardly any fun...which reminds me of another story, this time involving my godbrothers father!...i tell you they were all out to get me...haha anyway we were on holiday at an island resort in Langkawi in Malaysia and i was hungry as a wee lad would be, tender age of 8 i think i was, and my godbrothers father told me
"okay we order a plate of chips/fries to share!" and so i gladly obliged...seeing as it was food hard to turn down ok!!!
And i proceeded to take the ketchup and it was those glass bottle ones and im sure alot of you remember how hard it is to get the ketchup to come out of those damn bottles. So! i accidentally poured too much on my plate and couldn't finish it thus i got a scolding from my godbrothers dad...and he said if i didn't lick all the ketchup of the plate i couldn't go to the beach! i stupidly did so while my godbrother and my brother and my godbrother's father chuckled away...damn themmmmm...
Wednesday, 15 November 2006
Malaysia Boleh!
These were the contestants of Miss Universe...guess who won...MALAYSIA BOLEH!

haha i cracked up pretty hard when i saw this one...but moving onto a more serious note...the advertures of Jin Eu...most of my family members know i am a bunch of accidents...something always happens to me thats worth telling and i want to record some of my old tales right here...because i 'found' out my god brother was getting married a few days ago and i realised hey...not so long ago in the past, i was being bullied by him, his brother and MY OWN BROTHER...the famous story of the Jam man...yes i was them... into thinking there was such thing as a jam man...i actually don't remember too much of the story but it goes a little something like this...
We were in Las Vegas on a family holiday with my God brother and his family and my family, when, i assume they were bored, they(my godbrother, his brother and my brother) decided to con me into believing in the Jam man...they told me and i quote
"if you don't keep this bottle of jam with you, you will die in a few days"
And as a 6-7 year old child you can imagine how bloody traumatising it is to hear those words...well anyway they proceeded to further torture me by calling me at night pretending to be the jam man and leaving bottles of jam outside my room door...and throwing the jam into bins making me DIG FOR IT IN PUBLIC...yes yes those were the days when i was gullible and easily fooled...not anymore!(i hope). I eventually discovered that the jam man, wasn't real...and this further distraught me so now believe it or not i actually don't eat jam...unless i realli have to HeHe
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
The beginning and the end

Here is a picture of me with my 'happening' mum and my long time friend Gabriel!(Believe it or not we were at a rave!)
Yes work has its great reaping benefits...but thats because my mum happens to be my bosses boss! LoL BUT let that not affect your judgement people! this is only a temporary thing as i shall be the boss in the near feature! Which reminds me Marcus came up with a great scheme the other day(yes thank you Marcus...) and I presented it to my boss! hope it goes ahead...will be my greatest achievement yet! certainly looks doable! here is a preview of what MIGHT happen if it does

Not bad for my first blog...but i think I have talked enough crap for one day...hope you all will enjoy this blog...hopefully!